Building a strong Mindfulness practice allows you to deeply engage with your life, work and children.
Increasing your:
- Positive emotions
- Positive relationships
- Meaning in life
- Life satisfaction
- Happiness
- Productivity and achievements
- Stress
- Avoidance
- Reactivity
Why practising Mindfulness is important:
Mindfulness training is becoming very popular because Mindfulness is fundamental to health and yet it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. Allowing you to make the best in the moment decisions, Connect with those important to you and increase your wellbeing.
What commitments are necessary for an introduction to Strong Mindfulness:
- Weekly sessions last for 2 hours.
- It is important that you attend all classes.
- Willingness to share your experiences.
- Daily practice of Mindfulness 20-30 mins.
- Weekly engagement with character strength exercises.
- Maintain a daily diary or Journal.
What does Introduction to Strong Mindfulness look like:
Week 1 – Introduction to Mindfulness – We compare the mind on autopilot to the mindful mind.
Week 2 – Introduction to Character Strength – Discover what is best in you to unlock your potential and engage more with those important to you, your work or your children.
Week 3 – Exploring barriers to Mindfulness – Obstacles are opportunities and appreciating the small things in life.
Week 4 Strengthen your practice in everyday life – strengthen and nourish what is best in ourselves and others, reduce negative self-judgement and consciously use your strengths to deepen your mindfulness practice.
Strong Mindful Social – an informal online gathering to catch up 6-8 weeks after the course has finished with a day and time decided by the group.
Session Structure:
- Opening Meditation
- Discussion and review of home practice
- Introduction of new material and practice Mindfulness or Character strength
- Experiential practice of Mindfulness or Character Strength
- Sharing Strength Circle
- Setting home practice
- Closing meditation

If you have any questions about this course please email me.
When and where can I learn Strong Mindfulness?
In-house: Please email me If you would like to offer this course.
If you are interested in joining a group, the next Strong mindfulness begins on:
Online – 4th Sept 9.30am-11am BST Check your time zone
Locally – TBD
one to one – Please email me if you are interested in learning Strong Mindfulness privately.

How much does it cost?
Each module costs £75 and is booked separately.
£125 for the full 8-week course.
How do I sign up?
You can sign up for the 1st module introduction to Strong Mindfulness
Places are limited you can save your place by paying a £50 deposit now.
4th Sept start::
[wpecpp name=”Deposit Strong Mindfulness ” price=”50.00″ align=”center”]
Make your final payment:
The final payment of £25 will be due 7 days before the course begins. [wpecpp name=”Final payment Strong Mindfulness” price=”25.00″ align=”center”]
Module 2 Advanced Mindful strength Use.
Next group starting following strong Mindfulness Time and days TBD
Pay for the full 8 weeks and get 10% discount Final payment £62.50