Professional Membership

Coaching and mindfulness are both relatively new professions.  Many non-professionals jumped on the bandwagon and set themselves up as coaches and meditation teachers with little more than a weekend course.  As with all professions, finding a coach who recognises the ethics and morals of professional organisations is essential.   I am a member of several professional organisations.

BPS Graduate Member – GMBPsS

I am a graduate member, which gives me access to up-to-date research from the wider psychological community.

Division of Coaching Psychology  The division within the British psychological society for which I am a member.  Being a member allows me to keep in touch with the fast-moving Research in Coaching Psychology. I am a member of the international peer practice group.

Association for Coaching

The Association for Coaching is the leading UK-based international organisation monitoring and accrediting coaches in many different areas of the industry.   As a full member, I have many benefits, including a profile on their website.

International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) 

I presented my MSc work at the 2018 European Positive Psychology Association conference. I’m also involved in a lot of CPD hosted by the IPPA.