Learn to Relax

This course aims to increase our awareness of thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and reactions and offers tools and techniques for calming thoughts, emotions, and bodies to weather life’s storms and aid sleep and relaxation.

Course resources 

Visuals for creating a calm-mind bottle

This visualisation is for a relaxing place in nature, as we did in the second session. If you would like to download the audio, click this link. Visualisation place of relaxation

Throughout this course, I offered short calm-down strategies. These strategies need to be practised on an ongoing basis so they are there when we need them. Here is a handout for all the short, quick calming strategies: Calm down the cards handout.

If you would like to download the audio, click this link. Grounding 2 feet 1 breath 9 mins

Below is an extended 2 feet 1 breath meditation.

Identifying emotions.

Emotions wheel and meter handout. Emotions wheel and meter

Managing emotions.




Relaxation plan – Learn to Relax wellbeing plan

Throughout this course, I offered short calm-down strategies. This needs to be practised on an ongoing basis so they are there when we need them.  Handout for all the short, quick calming strategies. Calm down cards handout

Other Calm down strategies

Longer Meditations for calming the body.

This is progressive body relaxation. If you would like to download the audio, click the link. Progressive body relaxation

Body relaxation technique Handout

To be done laying down.

body scan and progressive relaxation.

To download, click the link body scan progressive relaxation

Body scan for sleep  – download this file here body scan for sleep 16 mins

Floating on a cloud for sleep – download file here floating on a cloud

Balancing hormones  – Foods balancing hormones

Thinking Traps 

We fall into many thinking traps it is useful to notice them, label them and then replace them with more useful thoughts.  This takes practice but the first step is an awareness that you are falling into a thinking trap.

Thinking trap Handout

Self-Care Meditations

Smiling Meditation 

Smiling meditation 8 mins

Loving Kindness Meditation 

Loving-kindness for close other and self 16 mins

Gratitude Meditation

Mindfulness of Sound Meditation